Good afternoon,
Please note the following COVID-19 update for June 15, 2021:
PHO Workplace and Post-Secondary Institution Safety Order revised as of June 14, 2021
Revisions were made to the PHO Workplace and Post-secondary Institution Safety Order to explicitly include requirements for workers providing services to customers and/or clients to wear masks/face coverings.
- Workers are to wear a mask in personal service establishments, restaurants or retail settings where workers are serving customers or clients.
- In the event that a worker cannot wear a mask/face covering for the usual exemption reasons, there must be a barrier between the worker and customers or clients.
The section that required employers to strongly encourage workers to work from their private residence has been removed. There were no changes to the requirements regarding post-secondary institution safety.
This order does not have an expiration date.
Thank you for the important role you play in supporting the provincial COVID-19 response. Please share this update broadly within your respective institutions.
COVID-19 Resources:
- High-level public health guidance on the September 2021 return to campus is available in the COVID-19 Return-to-Campus Primer hosted on government’s public website.
- Guidance and recommendations from the Provincial Health Officer are available online at the COVID-19 Provincial Support and Information website.
- If you require advice regarding a potential COVID-19 case, please contact your local Medical Health Officer.
Private Training Institutions Branch
Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training

F: 778-945-0606|Toll Free: 1-800-661-7441
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