Methods of Payment

Please refer below for the instructions as to each method of payment.

1. Cash
2. Money Order
3. Wire Transfer
4. Personal Cheque
5. e-transfer

1. Cash

Please visit our College in person. Do not mail cash.

2. Money Order

To be mailed or delivered in person; payable to “TCICTCM”

3. Wire Transfer

Below is the information you will need for a wire transfer

Bank of Montreal
2601 Granville St
Vancouver, B.C
V6H 3H2
Phone: 604-665-7307
Fax: 604-665-3762

Account Name : Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCICTCM)
Account No: 076001263-078
Bank Transit: 07600
Financial Institution Code: 001
SWIFT Code (all other countries): BOFMCAM2

Recipient: Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Address: Suite 201, 1508 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C Canada
V6J 1W8
Phone: 604-731-2926
Fax: 604-3731-2964

Please send a copy (preferably a scan) of your “bank transaction confirmation” to TCICTCM, so that we can verify the transaction. Thank you.

4. Personal Cheque

To be mailed or delivered in person; payable to “TCICTCM”.

Additional 2 weeks of processing time will be required.

5. e-transfer

Payment to (please provide password needed by recipient)